Sunday was the last day of my first month! It definitely went by slow for me. I think the days creep by for Alex and I since we are so anxious. But I know we should embrace this time as a couple while we can.
Well, this week, Baby Gifford is weighing in at the size of an appleseed, about .13 inches! It amazes me how much my body can change in such a short amount of time. Alex has been great at dealing with my "moodiness" and how exhausted I have been lately. It is kinda sad, but I am in bed no later 8:30 most nights. I guess it comes with the territory, but I don't mind as I am such an excited mommy-to-be. :)
A week from today is our first doctors appointment! It couldn't come soon enough. We just want to be reassured that the baby is healthy and growing at the normal rate. I have been reading that we might be able to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time. I will be 6.5 weeks by then, so hopefully we will be able to hear it. I have started making a list of questions for the doctor, as this is our first time and everything. I am probably being too cautious than I should, but it's better to be safe than sorry! I hope this week goes by fast!